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The Diversion of Human Energy: How Work Has Become a Commodity in Modern Societies

The Diversion of Human Energy: How Work Has Become a Commodity in Modern Societies

Portuguese version of this article [Download the essay in English] Introduction In a universe dominated by the second law of thermodynamics, where entropy is an inevitable constant, life defies this trend by maintaining order and complexity through free energy. Human energy, generated incessantly and autonomously by the cells of the human body, is not only the vital force that sustains biological processes but also the main source of energy that fuels the complex structures and operations of contemporary societies. This essay explores the transformation of human energy from a resource for subsistence and social cohesion into a tradable commodity in modern societies. 1. Introduction The centrality of human energy in modern society is a theme that challenges conventional notions of labor and economy. Through a detailed analysis, this essay seeks to understand how human energy transitioned from being a vital resource for subsistence and social cohesion to becoming an essential… 

Denunciation: The Fatal Disconnection Between Economic Activities and DNA Autonomy

At this moment of planetary urgency, it is imperative to denounce an inconvenient truth that has been overlooked for centuries: human economic activities, in their current form, are sustained, hiddenly and parasitically, by the kinetic potential energy derived directly from biological systems. This energy, the life force intrinsic to all living beings, is governed and perpetuated by billions of DNAs operating in interconnected complexity and autonomy, far from the understanding and respect they deserve. The Fundamental Error: The Economy as a Parasite of Life From the dawn of the pre-agricultural era, our ancestors lived in intrinsic harmony with nature, understanding themselves not as masters but as integral parts of a cycle of interconnected life. However, the transition to agricultural practices and subsequently to an economic model based on accumulation and exploitation initiated a catastrophic detour: we began to view the Earth and its beings as inexhaustible resources, ignoring the sacredness… 

Work is the Anomaly of Human Life on Earth

Amid the myriad forms of life that inhabit our planet, humans stand out for a disturbing peculiarity: the transformation of the natural environment into a complex economic system. This transformation is fueled by human labor, a force that extends beyond mere survival and reproduction. This phenomenon, which we call “Work,” represents an anomaly in the context of life on Earth. Origin of the Anomaly The root of this anomaly can be traced back to the early stages of humanity, specifically to the advent of agriculture and the subsequent development of sedentary societies, around 10,000 years ago. This period, known as the Neolithic Revolution, marked a fundamental shift in the way humans interacted with their environment. Before this era, humans, like other species, were integrated into their ecosystems in a more direct and immediate way, living as hunter-gatherers. They used kinetic potential energy in ways that were in harmony with natural… 

Redefining Human Existence: Insights from ‘Deconstructing Homo Sapiens’

In the thought-provoking article “Deconstructing Homo sapiens: Redefining Our Existence Beyond Anthropocentrism,” we are invited to reconsider our place within the natural world. This piece challenges the traditional anthropocentric view, suggesting that our self-perceived autonomy may be an illusion shaped by our biological and ecological interconnections. The essay delves into the role of Cellular Information Processing Systems (CIPS) in our lives, arguing that these systems are not just biological functions but are integral to our understanding of self and society. By reevaluating our ‘self’ as part of a larger, interconnected system, the essay proposes a shift from an individualistic perspective to one that recognizes our intrinsic link to nature. This conceptual shift has profound implications for our self-image, ethics, and the way we interact with our environment. The piece calls for a reevaluation of our societal and environmental practices, advocating for a more holistic approach that aligns human activity with… 

Self-Generated Human Energy: Between Life and Profit

Self-generated human energy, particularly manifested in the form of ATP, represents an intrinsic and fundamental life force for biological processes. ATP is the primary energy source for almost all cellular activities, including cell division, growth, repair, and general maintenance of the organism. This form of energy is notably anti-entropic, meaning it acts against the natural trend towards disorder (entropy) in the biological environment, sustaining the complex organization and functioning of living systems. However, when we consider humanity’s journey beyond the agricultural era, we observe a significant transformation in the use of this vital energy. With the rise of complex and technologically advanced economic structures, the self-generated energy from ATP, which ideally would serve to sustain and perpetuate human life, has begun to be extracted more and more intensively for economic purposes. This extraction is literal when we consider the transformation of human physical labor into energy to move and alter… 

Autoenergy of DNAs and Their Biological Autonomy: Challenge to Scientific Conventions

The understanding of molecular biology and genetics in recent years has significantly expanded our appreciation of the role of DNA in living beings. The analysis of the total prevalence of DNA over organisms reveals a fascinating perspective on the autonomy of biological processes, cellular energy and self-sufficiency, dynamic interaction with the environment, order maintenance and repair capabilities, as well as the underlying mechanisms of species evolution and diversification. This text seeks to explore these aspects, highlighting the complexity and inherent autonomy of biological systems. DNA Autonomy and Biological Processes DNA operates autonomously and automatically, orchestrating a wide range of vital processes without the need for conscious intervention. This ‘biological program’ coordinates not only the development and functioning of organisms but also their ability to adapt to environmental changes. DNA autonomy challenges the natural tendency towards disorder, known as entropy, promoting the maintenance and evolution of life. Energy and Self-sufficiency Central… 

A New Perspective on Life: Beyond Organisms

A New Perspective on Life: Beyond Organisms Life, in its purest essence, transcends form and matter. Traditionally envisioned as confined within the boundaries of organisms, modern vision proposes a conceptual revolution: life as an autonomous, digital, and counter-entropically oriented process, encoded within the spirals of DNA. This perspective redefines existence, positioning DNA, not organisms, as the true bearer of life. Contrary to the universal trend towards increasing entropy, DNA manifests as a powerfully counter-entropic force, an autonomous operating system that directs not only the organization and functioning of living beings but also their ability to maintain and increase complexity in a universe inclined towards disorder. This digital approach to life challenges our anthropocentric understanding, suggesting that organisms are merely temporary vessels, ephemeral manifestations of a deeper reality: the perpetuation of genetic information. In this paradigm, life is understood as a continuous series of DNA replication events, with organisms serving only… 

Work Is the Anomaly of Human Life on Earth

In a universe where entropy reigns supreme, matter, particles, and energy dance in an uncoordinated ballet of chaos and order. In this cosmic scenario, one principle remains clear: no object possesses the intrinsic capability to move or change its state without the intervention of an external force. This fundamental truth of physics leads us to a deeper understanding of the origins and nature of human labor. DNA and Energy Coordination Against the backdrop of the universe’s disordered process, life emerges as a miracle of coordination. Through DNA, life on Earth orchestrates potential energy in a remarkably coordinated manner, sustaining the existence of complex organisms amidst universal entropy. This unique ability to manage energy, intrinsic to living beings, highlights life as an exceptional phenomenon in the cosmos. The Anomaly of Human Labor in the Post-Agriculture Era With the advent of agriculture and the subsequent evolution of human societies, we witness the… 

Vida é um processo dinâmico

Labour Constitutes an Anomaly of Human Life on Earth Processo Dinâmico: A vida é, de fato, um processo dinâmico, caracterizado por mudanças contínuas e adaptações ao ambiente. Essa dinâmica é crucial para a sobrevivência e evolução das espécies. Organismos vivos estão constantemente em estado de atividade, crescendo, se reproduzindo, e respondendo a estímulos externos. Coordenação de Energia: A vida depende da coordenação eficaz da energia. Isso inclui não apenas a energia obtida através da alimentação e transformada via metabolismo, mas também a energia necessária para a reparação celular, crescimento, e reprodução. A capacidade de converter energia de uma forma para outra de maneira eficiente é fundamental para a manutenção da vida. Dependência do DNA: O DNA é essencial para a vida como a conhecemos. Ele contém as instruções genéticas usadas no desenvolvimento e funcionamento de todos os organismos vivos e alguns vírus. O DNA é responsável pela hereditariedade, influenciando as…